Corel Draw

   Corel Draw is a vector graphics software developed by Corel Corporation of Ottawa.

1. To open Corel Draw.

Start > All programme > Corel Draw X3 Corel Draw graphics > lunch the programme 

Start > Run > Coreldrw > ok

2. To create a new Corel Draw file.

File > new 

πŸ”… Pick  Tool :

It is used to select, move or resize the text or picture.

πŸ”… Text Tool (F8) :

It is used to text or text block.

πŸ”… Sharpe tool (F10) :

It is used to edit the shape it object.

3. To save the Corel Draw file.

File > save > set the location > type the file name > save.

4. To insert new page.

Layout > insert the page > put the number of page > ok.

5. To rename the page.

Open the page > Layout > rename page > type the name.

6. To delete the page.

Layout > delete page > put the page number. 

πŸ”… Smudge brush tool :

It is used to distort the victor of a vector object by dragging along the outline.

πŸ”… Roughen brush tool : 

It is used to distort the outline of a vector object by dragging along the outline.

πŸ”… Free transform tool :

It is used to transform an object by using the free rotation, angle scale and skew tools.

πŸ”… Crop tool :

It is used to crop the shape or picture.

7. To insert picture.

File > import > selects the picture import select the image then double click.

8. To undo your actions.

Edit > undo (Ctrl + z)

πŸ”… Knife tool : 

It is used to cut though object.

πŸ”… Eraser tool : 

Eraser tool is used to remove areas of your drawing.

πŸ”… Virtual Segment Delete :

It is used to delete the shape or object.

πŸ”… Zoom tool :

It is used to change the magnification level if your drawing.

πŸ”… Hand Tool :

It is used to move the page around.

πŸ”… Free hand tool (F5) :

It is used to draw single line segment and curves.

πŸ”…Bezier tool : 

It is used to draw curves one segment one time.

πŸ”… Artistic media tool :

It precedes access to the brush, sprayer, calligraphic and pressure tool. 

πŸ”… Pen tool : 

It is used to draw to curves one segment at a time.

πŸ”… Polyline tool :

It is used to draw to line and curves.

πŸ”… 3 Point curves tool :

It is used to draw a curves by defining start, end at centre point.

πŸ”… Interactive connector tool :

It is used to join two objects with a line.

πŸ”… Dimension tool :

It is used to draw vertical, horizontal stands or angular dimension line.

πŸ”… Smart fill line :

It is used to fill the color with inside or out line.

πŸ”… Smart drawing tool :

Smart drawing tool convert the free hand strokes that you draw to basic shapes and smooth coves.


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