
MS-Word 2007/10

ms word 2007

MS-Word is word processing software which comes under Microsoft office package. It is user to create letters, notes and any types of official file. The file created in MS-Word is known as document. The extension of MS-word file is .docx

Session 01

1. To open MS-word 2007.
Start > all program > MS-office > word 2007.
Start > run > WinWord > ok.
Windows key + R > WinWord > ok

2. To save the MS-word file.
Office button > save > set the location > type the file name > save.

3.     To close the MS-word file.
Office button > close.
4.    To close the MS-word program.
Office button > exit.

5.    To open you’re save file.
Office button > open > select your file name.

6.     To save the file with password.
 Office button > save as > tools > general option > type the password > ok > again type the same password > ok > save.

7.     To set up the page.
Page layout > page set up > set the paper size, margins and orientation > ok.

8.    To set the measurement unit.
Office button > word option > advance option > set the measurement unit > ok.

9.     To apply text formatting.
Select the text > home > font > set the required option > ok.

10.  To apply superscript.
Put the cursor at required place > home > font > superscript(ctrl + shift +plus).

11.   To apply subscript.
Put the cursor at required place > home > font > subscript (ctrl + =).
Session 02

1. To create or apply bullet style.
Put the cursor at the place from where you want to set bullet style > home > bullets (paragraph) > select any one bullet style.

2.     To apply number style.
 Select the text > home > numbering > select any one number style.

3.     To apply paragraph formatting.
 Select the paragraph > home > paragraph > set the required options > ok.

4.    To apply line spacing.
Select the paragraph > home > line spacing (paragraph) > set any one line spacing.

5.    To apply character spacing.
 Select the paragraph or text > home > font character spacing > set the spacing > ok.

6.     To apply border.
Select the paragraph > page layout > page border > borders > set border line style and color.

7.     To apply shading color.
 Select the paragraph > home > shading > paragraph > select any one color.

8.    To apply page border.
 Page layout > page borders > set border line style and color > ok.

9.     To apply page color.
 Page layout > page color > set any one page color.

10.  To insert new page.
Put the cursor at the beginning or end of the page > insert > blank page.

11.   To cut or copy the particular text.
 Select the text > home > cut/copy > put the cursor at required place > home > paste.

12.  To brake the pages.
 Put the cursor at the place you want to break the page > insert > page break (ctrl+ enter).

13.  To go at next level.
 Press tab button.

14.  To create multilevel list.
 Put the cursor at the place from where you want to create multilevel list > home > multilevel list (paragraph).
Level- 1 – number style –A, B, C…
Level-2 – number style – a, b, c …
Level- 3 – number style – i, ii, iii…
Level-4 – number style – 1, 2, 3…

15.  To come at previous level.
 Press shift +tab button.

Session 03

1. To create drop cap.
 Select the paragraph in which you want to create drop cap > Insert > drop cap > drop cap options > dropped > set line to drop.

2.  To divided the paragraph in to column.
 Select the paragraph > page layout > column > more columns > set number of column > ok.

3. To insert header.
 Insert > header > edit header > type the header > design > close header and footer.

4. To remove header.
 Insert > header > remove header.

5. To insert page number in footer cell.
 Insert > page number > bottom of page > select any one page number > format > close header and footer.

6. To remove footer.
 Insert > footer > remove footer.

7.     To insert picture from clip art.
 Put the cursor at required place > clip art type the picture name in search box > go > click on the picture.

8.    To insert picture from file.
 Put the cursor at required place > insert > picture > select the picture file > insert.

9.     To apply formatting in the picture.
 Select the picture > format > set the required options.

10.  To insert word art.
 Put the cursor at required place > insert > word art > select any one word art > type the text > ok.

11.   To apply formatting in the WordArt
 Select the word art > format set the required option.

Session 04

1.      To insert table.
 Put the cursor at required place > insert > table > insert table > put the number of columns and no of rows > ok.

2.     To merge the cells.
 Select the cells > layout > merge cells.

3.     To draw the table.
 Insert > table >draw table > draw the table.

4.    To insert symbol.
 Put the cursor at required place > insert > symbol > more symbol > font- windings > select any one symbol > insert > close.

5.    To calculate total value.
 Put the cursor in total cell > layout > formula.
(a) =sum (C2,D2, E2, F2)
(b) =sum (C2:F2)
(c) =10000+12000+18000+15000
(d) Ctrl+F9 type any one of the above formula > F9.

6.     To calculate average.
=AVERAGE (cells range)

7.     To find out minimum.
 =MIN (cell range)

8.    To find out maximum value.
 = MAX (cells range)

9.     To insert new raw.
Put the cursor in the row which above or below you want new row > layout > insert above or below.

10.  To delete rows.
 Select the rows > layout > delete > delete rows.

11.   To insert new column.
 Put the cursor in the column which left or right you want new column > layout > insert left or insert right.

12.  To delete the column.
Select the column > layout > delete > delete column.

13.  To delete the cells.
Select the cells > layout > delete > delete cells > ok.

14.  To delete the table.
 Select the table > layout > delete > delete table.

15.  To split the cell.
Select the cells > layout > split cells > put the number of column and rows > ok.

16.  To split the table.
Put the cursor in the raw from where you want to split the table > layout > split table.

17.  To apply text direction.
 Select the cell > layout > text direction.

18.  To sort the particular field in ascending or descending order.
 Select the cells > layout sort > ascending or descending.

19.  To convert the table in text.
 Select the table > layout > convert to text > ok.

20.To apply table format.
 Select the table > design > table style > select any one table style.

21.  To apply border line style and color.
ð Put the cursor in the table > design > set border line style & color > draw the border.

22. To apply shading color.
 Select the cells > design > select any one color.
Session 05
1.      To prepare style.
 Home > styles > new style > type the style name > set the required options > ok.

2.     To apply style.
Select the text in which you want to style > home > styles > select any one style.

3.     To find the particular text.
 Put the cursor at the beginning of the page (ctrl + home) > home > find > type the text which you want to find > find next.

4.    To replace the particular text.
 Put the cursor at the beginning of the page > home > replace.
Find what > old text
Replace with > new text.

5.    To run the spelling and grammar checker.
 Put the cursor at the beginning of the page > review > spelling and grammar > select the correct suggestion > change.

6.     To insert date & time.
 Put the cursor at the required place > insert > date & time > select any one format.

7.     To create auto text.
Select the text for which you want to create auto text.
Alt + F3 > type the auto text.

8.    To run auto text.
 Type the auto text + F3.

9.     To insert footnote.
 Select the text for which you want to create footnote > reference > insert footnote > type the footnote.

10.  To insert endnote.
 Select the text for which you want to create endnote > reference > insert endnote > type endnote.

11.   To prepare to given table using tab.
 Put the cursor at required place > home > paragraph > tabs > put the tab stop position.

(a) 1” > Bar > set
(b) 1.2”> left > set
(c) 2.5” > left > set
(d) 4” > left > set
(e) 5.3” > left > set >ok
(Type the given table using tab by assignment)

12.  To clear the tab setting.
 Home > paragraph > tabs > clear all.

13.  To create bookmark.
 Select the table or text > insert > bookmark > type the bookmark > type the bookmark name > add.

14.  To open your particular page using bookmark.
 Insert > bookmark > select the bookmark name > go to.

15.  To create link between particular text and bookmark.
 Select the text in which you want to create link > insert > hyperlink > bookmark > select your bookmark > ok > ok.

16.  To create link between particular text and other file.
 Select the text > insert hyperlink > select any type of file > ok.

17.     To remove the link.
Select the text having link > insert > hyperlink > remove link.
Session 06

     1. To insert picture from clipart.
 Put the cursor at require place > insert > clipart > type the picture name in search box > go > click on the picture.

2. Create a new drawing in MS-paint and save.
 Do it yourself.

3.     To insert paint picture in MS-word using link
 Put the cursor at the require place > insert > object > create from file > browse > select your paint file > insert > link to file > ok.

4. To update the link
 Press F9 button.

5. To insert paint file in Ms-word without link
 Put the cursor at the required placed > insert > object > create from file > browse > select your paint file > insert > ok.

6. To create a new drawing in MS-word.
 Put the cursor at the require place > insert > object > create new > bitmap image > ok > create a drawing at close the paint.

7.  To create a macros.
 View > Macros > record macro > type the macro name > keyboard > press new shortcut key using all button > assign > close.

8. To stop the macros.
 View > macro > stop recording.

9.  To run the macros.
 Press the shortcut key.

10.  To insert shapes.
 Put the cursor at required place > insert shapes > draw the shapes.

11.   To add text in the shapes.
 Right click on the shape > add text.

12.  To apply formatting in the shapes.
 Select the shapes > format > set the required option.

13.  To protect the document (Read only).
 Review > protect document > restrict formatting and editing > allow only this type of editing in the document > yes start enforcing protection > type the same password in both boxes > ok.

14.  To unprotect the document.
 Review > protect document > restrict formatting and editing > stop protection > type the password > ok.

Session 07

Mail merge:
Mail merge is a document merging facility of MS-word is used to quickly create from letter, mailings, labels and catalogs by merging the information from two different file. Those two files are generally the main document and date source file. After creating those two files they are merging to get the desired results. Generally mail merge is used to print multiple copies of particular letter, address or many members for example- invitations

Main Document:
The main document contains the subject matter of the letter to be printed. It can contain text, graphics and which are to be inserted in to the letter, when merging data will be merged with the main document.

Data Source:
Data source file contains the information in the form of records, which is to be inserted to the main document. In one record, one member’s information is stored.
For example; one person addresses.
Merging required three types
(a) Creating data source
(b) Creating main document
(c) Merging of two files
1. To create a new document.
Office button > new > blank document > create.

2.     To create data source file.(address file)
 Malines > select – recipients > type new list > customize columns > select and delete the extra field name > add new field name > ok
(i)             Type the given address using tabs > ok
(ii)           Ser the location > type the field name > save.
3.     To insert address field name.
 Put the cursor at required place > mailings > insert > merge field > click on the required field name.

4. To save thy main document.
 Office button > save > set the location > type the field name > save.

5. To merge the main document with data source file.
Mailings > finish and merge > edit > endow visual document > all > ok.

6. To open data source file.
Mailings > select recipients > use > exist ion list > select your data source file.

7. To edit the data source file.
 Mailings > edit recipients lists > select your data source file name > after editing > ok > yes > ok.

   1. To clear the formatting.
Select the text > home > clear formatting (font).

2. To change the case of text.
Select the text > home > change case > select any one case.

3. To insert smart tab.
Put the cursor at required place > insert > smart art > select any one smart art style > ok.

 4. To apply formatting in smart art.
Select the smart art > design > set the required option.

  5.  To insert cover page.
Insert > cover page > select any one cover page.

    6.  To remove cover page.
Insert > cover page > remove current cover page.

  7.  To insert a table chart.
Put the cursor at the required place > insert > chart > select any one chart style > ok > type the chart value > close.

 8.  To find the page number.
Home > font > go to > put the page number > go to.

    9. To insert watermark.
Page layout > watermark > custom watermark > type the text > ok.

   10. To insert picture watermark.
Page layout > watermark > custom watermark > texture watermark > select picture > select any one picture > insert > ok.

  11. To remove watermark.
Page layout > watermark > remove watermark.

12. Apply format painter.
Select style applied text > home > format painter > select the text in which you want to apply same style.

13. To insert mathematical equation.
Put the cursor at require place > insert > equation > insert new equation > select any one equation (alt + =)

The end…


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