Microsoft office PowerPoint

 Microsoft office PowerPoint 

Microsoft office PowerPoint 2007/2010

Microsoft PowerPoint is a presentation tool software package with PowerPoint you can easily create slideshow, trainers and other use slideshows to illustrate their presentations.


A presentation is a collection of data and information that is to be delivered to a specific audient. A PowerPoint presentation is a collection of electronic slides that can have text, pictures, graphics, tables, sounds etc.

This collection can run automatically or can be controlled by a presenter

  (How to use PowerPoint)

1.  To open MS-PowerPoint

Start > all programs > Microsoft office > Microsoft office PowerPoint.

Start > run > PowerPoint > ok

2.  To save the presentation file

Office button > save > set the location > type the file name > save.

3. To insert new slide

Home > new slide > select any one slide > layout.

4. To apply text effect

Select the text > format > text effect > transform > select any one effect.

5. To apply slide design

Select the slide > design > themes > right click on any one theme apply to selected slide.

6. To apply background style  

Select the slide > design > background style > format background > set any one background > close.

7.  To apply animation

Select the slide > animation > set any one animation > set the sound and speed.

8. To view the slide shows

Slide show > from beginning.

9.  To apply custom animation

Select the text or picture > animation > custom animation > add effect > select any one effect.

10.  To setup the slide show

Slideshow > setup slide show > look continuously until escape > ok.

11.  To insert video clip

Insert > movies > move from file > select any one video song > ok > automatically.





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