Fundamental of computer

Fundamental of Computer 

Computer is an electronic device which working at a tremendous speed with very high accuracy. It is normally considered to be a calculating device which capable to perform arithmetical and logical functions with great speed.
Computer stands for:
Common Oriented Machine Particularly Used in Tread Education & Research

💢Advantage of Computer:

(A) Speed:
A Computer works very fast. If a man does the particular work for whole day. A Computer does the same in very short time.
Computer speed is measured in micro-second and even in Pico-second.

(B) Accuracy:
A Computer is always 100% accurate and capable to perform arithmetical and logical function with great speed.
A Computer can commit errors but the fault of human operator.

 (C) Diligence (Capacity of work):
If a man works continuously for 3-4 hour he feels lack of concentration, tiresome and monotonous but a Computer is free from these. It always works with great speed and 100% accurate.

(D) Versatility:
A Computer can perform multiple tasks. It’s used in data entry, publishing, designing communication etc.

💢  Disadvantage of Computer:

a) Incapable to take any decision by itself.
b)  It cannot be judge any valid or invalid data by itself.
c)  It requires regular maintenance.

Historical developments of Computer:
   Modern Computer is the end result of countless invention, idea and developments contributed by many people thoughts the last several decades. The history of automatic data processing beings with Charles Babbage attempts. Therefore, Charles Babbage was known as the father of Computer evolution has been into certain number of generation.

  Types of Computer generation: 

1)    First generation of Computer(1942-1955).
  • First generation of Computer employed vacuum tubes as electronic circuit.
  • Produce large amount of heat.
  • Very big in size.
  • Required air condition (AC).
  • Used punched card reader and card punches as input and outputs unit.
  • Prone to frequently hardware failure.
  • None portable.
  • Commercial production was difficult. 
2)    Second generation of Computer(1955-1963).
  • Second generation of Computers employed transistor in place of vacuum tubes.
  • Smaller, faster and more reliable.
  • Generate less heat.
  • Required less heat.
  • Portable.
  • Less prone to hardware failure.
  • Commercial production was difficult. 
3)   Third generation of Computer(1963-70): 
  • Third generation of Computer used I.C.(integrated circuit)
  • Smaller, faster and more reliable.
  • Cost reduced.
  • Memory size increased.
  •  Required air condition.
  • Easily portable.
  • Used high level language.
  • Used for commercial purpose. 

4)   Fourth generation of Computer(1970 to now): 
Fourth generation of Computer appeared in 1970’s utilizing a newer electronic technology which enables them to be ever smaller and faster than the earlier Computer one of the major invention of the fourth generation was LSI (Large scale integration). The LSI is a small chip which function is a major Computer system. 
  • Smaller, faster and cheaper among all the previous generation.
  • Heat generate is negligible.
  • Don’t required air condition.
  • Fully portable.
  • Totally general purpose. 
5)   Fifth generation of Computer (yet to come): 
Scientists are now working on the fifth generation of Computer but not yet a reality. They aim to bring the machine with genuine I.Q. the ability to reason logical and have real knowledge of the world. Thus, this generation will be totally different.

Classification of Computer:

👉There are two types of Computer-

A.     Data Handling
a.      Analog Computer (Measurement)
b.      Digital Computer (Calculation)
c.      Hybrid Computer (Analog + Digital)

B.     Functionality (Size & Speed)
a.      Micro Computer
b.      Mini Computer
c.      Mainframe Computer
d.      Super Computer

(A) Analog Computer: 

The term analog means continuous wave or data such an electric current and any device, which measure this continuous data by same system of unit such as speed and pressure, are known as analog Computer.

e.g.- Speedometer
fundamental of computer

fundamental of computer

(B) Digital Computer:
 Digital means data consist of discrete levels. The device which works on this discrete level i.e. performs arithmetical and logical function on them are called digital Computer.

(C) Hybrid Computer:
Hybrid Computers are machine which is corporate both analog and digital Computers.

(D) Micro Computer:
It is the smallest category of Computer. It consists of micro processor, input and output unit and the associated storage device. It is also known as personal Computer.
e.g.- Desktop, portable (laptop)

👊Input unit:
The device through which we supply information and instruction to the Computer is called input device.
e.g.- mouse, keyboard, MICR, BCR, scanner etc
fundamental of computer
Keyboard + Mouse


fundamental of computer
fundamental of computer

👊Output unit:
The device through which we get result from the Computer is called output unit.
e.g.- monitor, printer, speaker etc.
fundamental of computer

fundamental of computer

fundamental of computer

👊Processing unit:
Central processing unit is called the brain of the Computer.
It is divided in two parts

a)   Control unit:
It monitors the flow of data from one area to another. It acts as the central nervous system for other components of the Computer. Control unit is able to maintain order and directs all the operations of the Computer system. It does not perform and actual processing on the data. It obtain instruction from the program stored in main memory interprets the instruction and issue signal that causes other to execute them. 

b)   Arithmetic logic unit:
It performs all the mathematical function of the Computer. It does the following operations addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and logical function with the help of >, < or = operations. 

ASCII: American Standard Code for Information Interchange 

Bit & BYTE:
The full form of BIT is Binary digit and 8 bits makes a Byte. Byte is the smallest storage unit of the Computer system that can store a single character relation between different storage unit are as follows.
                       8 Bits = 1Bytes
             1024Bytes = 1 kilo Bytes (kb)
     1024 kilo bytes = 1 mega bytes (mb)
 1024 mega bytes = 1 Giga bytes (GB)
    1024 giga bytes = 1 Tera bytes 

Storage unit:
Storage unit of the Computer system is known as memory.
There are two types of memory







Smaller storage capacity

Higher storage capacity



👊Primary memory:
fundamental of computer

Primary memory of a computer has faster access time, smaller storage capacity and higher cost per bit of storage. These are two types of memory.

(a) ROM (Read Only Memory):
ROM stands for Read Only Memory where information is permanently stored. You can only read the information which is stored in ROM but you cannot modify or write fresh information in it. ROM is non-volatile memory because where you switch off the Computer the information stored inside ROM will not be lost. Actually manufactures use ROM to keep micro programs which are required to start up the Computer. It is higher protected from the modification of users.

(b) RAM (Random Access Memory):
RAM stands for Random Access memory. It allow us read from as well as to write to, so it is also called Read Write Memory. RAM is volatile memory because when you switch off the Computer, the information stored in RAM will be lost. So it is used to store data and information temporarily.

👊Secondary Memory:

fundamental of computer

Primary memory of a Computer has faster access time, but it is a temporary memory.
As a result an additional memory called secondary memory is used. It can store large amount of data as permanent basic.

👊Computer divided in three main parts:
  1. Hardware 
  2. Software
  3. Liveware
(a) Hardware:
All the mechanical and electrical part of Computer which we can see and touch is called hardware.
I.e. monitor, CPU, mouse, keyboard etc.

(b) Liveware:
One who operates the Computer is called Liveware.

(c) Software:
It is an integrated set of programs which supplies instruction to the Computer is called Software.
It is divided into two parts
(a)   System Software
(b)   Application Software

(a) System Software:
It controls all the functions of the Computer system and it resources like input unit, output unit, storage unit and the central processing unit. It schedules the work within the machine and enables the hardware. To understand our commands that is given in English like language.
Ex- Windows

(b) Application Software:
It is a set of one or more programs designed to carry out a specified application. It always runs based on any system software; in general we can say it creates an interface for the user to perform a specific type of job.
For example:- word for Word processing, paint for drawing, Tally for accounting etc. 

👊Operating System:
There are four types of OS(operating system)
(a)   Single tasking operating system
(b)   Multi tasking operating system
(c)   Single user operating system
(d)   Multi user operating system

Booting is a term which means to start the Computer.
(a)   Cold Booting: Starting the Computer from beginning is called Cold Booting.
(b)   Warm Booting: Another way of booting the Computer system when it is already ON but hangs up. To start warm booting we use Alt+Ctrl+Delete button or Reset button. 

[  Character User Interface ->Text (a,b,c,…. 1,2,3,… = Ms-Dos)
[  Graphical User Interface -> Text + Picture -> Windows

MS-DOS stands for Microsoft Disk Operating System developed by Microsoft Corporation of U.S.A. MS DOS is a character user interface based single user tasking operating system. It means only user can execute only one task at a time.

Difference between MS-DOS and Window:

a)     MS-DOS supports character user interface while windows supports graphics user interface.
b)     MS-DOS supports single tasking but windows allow running multiples tasks simultaneously.
c)     MS-DOS is very much cryptic to memorize each and every command with their proper syntax. but, window provides user friendly menus easy interface to interact.
d)     We cannot use mouse in MS-DOS but mouse is used in window.

It is a container to keep a collection of files. Each disk drive has a main directory i.e. called row directory of the drive. It may have other directories or sub-directories.
File:- It is a container to keep a collection of data and information. Dos and any other program stored information the form of a file. Each file is identified with unique name. the name of file is of two parts. First part is known as primary name and the second part is known as secondary name or extension.

👊Dos Command:- 
Dos is totally command based operating system. So, whatever you want to do with it you have execute some commands with their proper syntax. Dos commands are classified into two parts (types).
a)     Internal Command
b)     External Command

this is all about fundamental of Computer,

thank you.




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