Windows Explorer

 What is Windows Explorer and how it's work?

   Window explorer is an indispensable tool in an operating system. Since with it we can organize and control the files and folder of the different storage system. Window explorer is also known as file manager through it we can see, copy, move or delete the files and folders.


Files are collections of information, almost all of the information storage in Computer as a file.


It is a container to keep a collection of files. Folders are used to classify the files in the computer. It is also known as directories.

In the explorer folders are represented by yellow folders.


1.  To open Windows explorer.

Start > All program > associates.

Start > Run > Windows explorer.

 2. To create a new folder.

Right click in content pane > New folder > type the folder name

3.To rename the file & folder.

Right click on the file & folder > delete > yes > ok/press enter

 Recycle bin:

Recycle bin is nothing more than a space on the Hard-disk drive reserved to store the files and folders that are deleted. So that in the event of deleting files and folders by mistake. It is possible to retrieve it. By default recycle restores the files and folders to the place from where they were deleted.


How to use Recycle Bin:


1.        To restore the deleted file and folders from Recycle Bin.

Open Recycle Bin from the Desktop > right click on the file and folders.

2.        To display the properties of files and folders.

Right click on the file & folders > properties > ok.

3.        To copy the files & folders from one location to another.

Right click on the files & folders > copy > open the location in which you want to keep the file > right click in it > paste.

4.        To move the file and folder from one location to another.

Right click on the file & folders > cut > open the location in which you want to keep the file > right click on it > paste.

5.        To hide the file and folders.

Right click on the file & folders > properties > hidden files > apply > ok > ok.

6.        To show the hidden files and folders.

Organized > folder and search option > view show hidden folders, files and drive > apply > ok.

7.        To do not show hidden files and folders.

Organized > folder and search option > view > don’t show hidden files, folders and drivers apply > ok.

8.        To set the date and time.

Right click on system clock > adjust date/time > change date/time > set the date and time > ok > apply > ok.

9.        To set desktop background.

Right click at the desktop > personalize > desktop background > select any background > save > changes.

10.      To lock/unlock the taskbar.

Right click on the taskbar > lock the taskbar.

11.       To arrange the desktop icons.

Right click on the desktop sort by > set any one option.

12.       To hide/unhide the desktop icons.

Right click on the desktop > view > show desktop icons/hide.

13.      To auto hide the taskbar.

Right click on the taskbar > properties auto hide the taskbar > apply > ok.

14.      To open calculator.

Start > all programs > assoceries > calculator.

Start > run > calculator.

15.      To open character map.

Start > all programs > assoceries > system tools character map.

Start > Run character map > ok.

16.       To show or hide the run command.

Right click on start button properties > customize > run command > ok > apply > ok.

17.       To create the shortcut of your file and folder at the desktop.

Right click at the desktop > new > shortcut > browse > select the file and folder > ok next > finish.

18.      To change the desktop icons of folders.

Right click on the folders at the desktop > properties customize > change icons > select any one icons > ok > apply > ok.

19.       To set the mouse button.

Start > control panel > mouse buttons > switch primary and secondary buttons > ok.

20.      To set the mouse pointer.

Start > control panel > mouse pointers > set any one > scheme.

21.       To set the format of date, time & currency.

Start > control panel > region & language > additional setting > set the format of date, time & currency > apply > ok > ok.

22.      To set the screen saver.

Right click on the desktop > personalize > screen saver > set any one screen saver > set the time > apply.

23.      To turn off the delete confirmation dialog.

Right click on the recycle bin icon > properties > display delete confirmation dialog > apply > ok.

24.      To display the properties of secondary memory (Hard disk).

Start > computer > right click on disk drive > properties.

25.      To set the desktop gadgets.

Right click at the desktop > gadgets > double click on the required gadgets.

That is all about windows explorer,

Thank you.


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