What is WordPad


What is WordPad?

      WordPad is a default word processing of window operating system. Used to create letters, notes and any types of official file. WordPad document can include rich text formatting and graphics. The extension of WordPad is .rtf (rich text format)

(How to use WordPad)

1. To open WordPad.
Start > all program > accessories > WordPad.
Start > run > WordPad.

 2. To save the WordPad file.
WordPad menu > save > set the location > type the file name > save.
3.     To close the WordPad program.
WordPad menu > exit.
4.     To open you’re saved file.
WordPad menu > open > select your file name > open.

5.     To apply formatting in the text.
Select the text > Home > font > set the required options.
6.     To save the file with other name.
WordPad menu > save as > type the filename > save.
7.     To display print preview.
WordPad menu > print > print preview.
8.     To setup the page.
WordPad menu > page setup > set the paper size, margins and orientation > ok.

9.     To print the file.

WordPad menu > print > set printer name > print 

10.   To apply superscript.
Put the cursor at required place > Home > font > superscript (ctrl + shift + plus).
11.    To apply Subscript.
Put the cursor > at required place > Home > font > Subscript (Ctrl + =).
12.   To apply text highlight color.
Select > the text > home > font > text highlight color > select any color.
13.   To create a list.
Put the cursor at the place where you want to create a list > home paragraph > start a list > select any one list.
14.   To apply line spacing.
Select the text > Home > Paragraph > line spacing > set any one line spacing.
15.   To apply paragraph formatting.
Select the paragraph > Home > Paragraph > set the required option > ok
16.   To apply alignment.
Select the text > home > Paragraph > set any one alignment.
17.   To insert picture from file.
Put the cursor at required place > home > picture > select any one picture > open.
18.   To insert date and time.
Put the cursor at required place > home > date and time > select any one format > ok.
19.   To find the particular text.
Put the cursor at the beginning of the page > home > find > type the text which you want to find in > find next.
20.  To replace the particular text.
Put the cursor at the beginning of the page > home > replace
   Find what – old text
  Replace with – New text
21.   To select all the text.
Home > select all (Ctrl+A)
22.  To undo your actions.
Click on undo option in quick access toolbar (Ctrl+Z)
23.  To redo your actions.
Click on redo option in quick access toolbar (Ctrl+Y)
24.  To set the tab stop position.
Put the cursor at required place > home > paragraph > tabs > put the tab stop position > set > ok.

25.  To clear the tab setting. 
 Home > paragraph > tabs > clear all > ok.


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