Networking in Computer


A group of computer that are connected together for the purpose of sharing various type of computer software and hardware resources like input and storage devices like hard-disk etc.

Types of networking:

A.   Local Area Network(LAN);

A network that is limited to a small spatial area such as a room, a single building, a ship or a aircraft is called local area network.

B.   Metropolitan Area Network:

A network that connected two or more local area network together but does not extend beyond the boundaries of immediate town or cities are called MAN

C.  Wide Area Network:

A WAN is a data communication network that covers a broad geographic area that often uses data transmission facilities provided by common carrier such as telephone companies.

 Hardware components required for Networking.

  1.  The workstation and the server
  2.   Network interface card
  3.   Hub
  4.   Cables


The computer that is responsible for store all data is called server.

👊 Workstation:

The computers that are responsible to accept the user and transfer to the server for processing is called workstation.

Workstation are also known as the nodes or terminals of the Network


To connected different computer there is a line of communications, these lines of communications are called cable. These cables allowed transferring of data from one computer to other.

There are three types of network cable

  1.  Twisted pair cable
  2.  Co-axial cable
  3.  Fiber optic cable

👊 Topology:

Topology is defined as the physical layout of the hardware components (workstation and server) of the Network. These are three different layout of the computer network.

  i. Bus topology:

In bus topology the network station and the server are connected by one long cable.

 ii.  Star topology

As the name specify this topology physical layout the workstation and the server in the form of a star the server is at central location where as each network has an independent connection of a workstation with the server through a hub.

 iii.   Ring topology:

In this layout data flow in a circular nodes through the ring cable. In most of such setup-data flows only in one direction.







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