Adobe PageMaker

Adobe PageMaker

 What is Adobe PageMaker?

Adobe PageMaker is desktop publishing program of Adobe. It is used to create pages and page design.

(How to use Adobe PageMaker)

1. To open PageMaker.

Start > all program > Adobe > Adobe PageMaker 7.0

Window key +R > PM70

2. To create new PageMaker file.

File > new > set the required option > ok

* Hand tool :

It is used to move the page around. (Alt + click and drag)

* Text tool:

It is used to type the text.

* Pointer tool:

It is used to select, move, and resize the text block or shape.

* Rotation tool:

It is used to rotate the text block or shapes at any angle.

* Crop tool:

It is used to crop the picture.

3. To show or hide control palette.

Window > show/hide > control palette (ctrl + ‘)

4. To show or hide color windows.

Windows > show/hide color (ctrl + J)

5. To insert the picture.

File > place >select any one picture > open > click on page or drag on the page. (ctrl + D)

6. To save the PageMaker file.

File > save > set the location > type the file name > save.

7. To insert new page.

Layout > insert pages > put the no > ok > ok.

8. To go to the particular page.

Layout > go to > put the page number.

9. To delete the page.

Layout > remove pages put the number of pages > ok > ok

10. To divide the page into column.

Layout > column guides > put the no of columns > ok

11. To apply column balances.

Select the columns > utilities > plug-ins > balances column > set any one alignment.

12. To set up the page.

File > document set up > set the requires option > ok

13. To apply rounded corner.

Element > rounded corner > select any one rounded corner.

14. To apply polygon setting.

Element > polygon setting > set the number of sides and stars > insert.

15. To apply stock in the shape.

Select the shape > element > fill > select any one fill option.

16. To apply fill style.

Select the shape > element > fill > select any one fill option.

17. To apply fill and stroke.

Select the shape > element > fill and stroke > set fill and stroke option > ok.

18. To group the text or object layer.

Select the text or object layer > element > group (ctrl + G)

19. To ungroup the layer.

Select the layer > element > ungroup.

20. To lock the object position.

Select the object > element > lock position.

21. To unlock object position.

Select the object > element > unlock.

22. To apply bullets.

Select the text > utilities > plug-ins > change case > select any one case.

23. To change the case of text.

Select the text utilities > plug-ins change case > select any case > ok.

24. To create drop cap.

Select the paragraph > utilities > plug-ins > drop cap > set the required options > ok 

25. To paste multiple copies of the layer.

Select the layer > edit > copy > edit > paste multiple > put the number of copies and set the horizontal and vertical offset > ok.

26. To print the file.

File > print > set printer name > page number > number of pages > ok.

27. To apply text formatting.

Select the text > type > character > set the required option > ok.

28. To apply paragraph formatting.

Select the paragraph > type > paragraph > set the required option > ok.

29. To edit the colors.

Utilities > define color > edit.


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